Title: JOB DESCRIPTION Author: Jean Robinson (jeanrobinson@yahoo.com) Disclaimer: Characters from the X-Files are the property of Ten Thirteen Productions and the Fox Television Network. All others are property of the author. No infringement is intended. Rating: G Classification: 155-word fic Archive: Please ask permission. Spoilers: "Duane Barry" and "Ascension" Summary: All he does is complain. Feedback: Love it at jeanrobinson@yahoo.com Author's notes at the end ***************************** JOB DESCRIPTION by Jean Robinson This is too easy. Way too easy. Look at him. She's only been gone a few hours and he's already a train wreck. He looks like he hasn't slept in weeks. He looks like he may never sleep again. He's ready to swing at anyone who even suggests that he step back. For a minute I thought he and Skinner were going have a good old-fashioned brawl right there in the conference room. Yeah, Mulder, go ahead. Slug your boss. That'll help bring Scully back. Sure. I could save you a lot of grief and tell you right now that nothing's going to bring Scully back, but that's not my job. My job is to finish turning you into a quivering, useless puddle of drool, and that means pampering you and feeding you false hopes while preventing you from doing anything effective to find your partner. Some job. They should have given me something hard. End Author's notes: Yes, sometimes Krycek pops up and whispers sweet nothings in my ear. This represents several firsts for me: first fic in 11 months, first 155-word fic, first fic posted without beta reader. Feedback to jeanrobinson@yahoo.com.